Meditation is the art of sitting in silence, turning off the world around you, and entering a state of consciousness that allows you to reach into the astral for power, knowledge, aid, and guidance. (But I would also like to note that it is also quite possible to meditate while, say, working, or writing, or drawing, etc. because meditation is simple shifting into another level of consciousness) Sometimes, when it’s deep enough, it can trigger an astral journey.
Visualization is an important part of meditation. The longer you practice meditation and the better you get at visualization, the more detailed your meditations will be.
You don’t need much for meditation. All you need is a comfortable chair or mat to sit on, and a place and time where you won’t be disturbed. Some people like to have a candle or two and some incense. However, if you pick incense, make sure the incense isn't so heavy that it makes breathing difficult.
When you sit down for meditation, first relax your muscles and get centered. Then visualize a brilliant white light around yourself. Next, see a deep well in front of you. Drop all negativity in your life into the well and walk away, and then carry on with your meditation.
There are several reasons to learn to meditate:
1) It’s relaxing and calming
2) You’ll strengthen your ability to visualize and your contact with spirit guides
3) Deep meditation aids in astral travel
4) It can create and/or strengthen psychic abilities
5) It can sharpen and focus your awareness
6) It allows you to “set” dreams.
One thing to remember is to not meditate more than three times a week. Some people can lose themselves in too much meditation and become somewhat detached from reality.
You’ll go through specific emotional stages while meditating. When first starting out, you’ll experience relaxation and pleasure. This will continue for some time. However, a not very pleasant period will come. It won’t be the fault of the meditation, but is actually the fault of a conflict between your conscious and subconscious minds. Some symptoms are dissatisfaction, poor connections with the astral, skepticism about what you see in a meditation, or a general lassitude of spirit, almost a depression. Don’t give up at this point. This stage will pass shortly. After it, you’ll find that your meditations take on new meaning and depth. Everything in the universe runs in cycles, and meditation is no exception.
A popular, and rather easy, form of meditation is guided meditation, also called pathworking. Basically, it’s a flexible story that you can record and play while you’re meditating. You visualize everything the recording is saying. When recording, say everything in a slow, even voice, leaving blank spaces at the appropriate spots so you can have time to explore and experience things. When you meditate using a tape, don’t try to think about what comes next. Just relax and follow along. If a meditation starts to take you some place other than what the recording is saying, just flow with it.
To write your own pathworking, follow this framework:
1) The entrance. It can be a door, an archway, the head of a path, etc. I like to use a huge tree at the head of a path.
2) The path. What you’ll encounter, what you’ll feel, etc.
3) The destination. What you find, who you meet, what you discover/use/etc.
4) The journey back. Return the way you came.
I provide here a basic meditation technique that you could either record and play, or memorize. This will help you to get used to shifting into another consciousness. After this, every so often I will post a new guided meditation that you can try.
Basic Meditation Technique
Make sure your environment is conducive to meditation. Turn off and block out all distractions, such as the ringer on the phone. Dim the lights, or turn off all the light and light a few candles. Incense may help. Turn on relaxed, ambient music.
Sit in a physically comfortable position. Relax your body, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Go through each section of your body and mentally give yourself permission to relax. Feel waves of relaxation moving through your muscles, as you become more and more relaxed.
Imagine a screen in your mind’s eye. This is your window to the psychic world. You control everything on it. Draw or visualize the number twelve on the screen. Hold it for a moment, and then let it fade or erase it like a blackboard. Then draw and visualize the number eleven. Continue this pattern until you reach one.
Release the screen of your mind, and silently count from thirteen to one in a slow, even pace, as you slide into a deeper meditative state.
You are now at alpha level. Sit for a moment, feeling the difference between this trance state and your normal waking state. At this point you would continue on to any meditative workings to expand your awareness. For now, continue on to learn how to develop better skills of focus and concentration. When you are ready, call for the screen of your mind again and visualize a candle burning before you. Take notice of the candle. What color is it? What shape? How brightly does the flame burn? Can you feel the heat it gives off? Notice all the details of the candle. Focus all of your attention on it.
When you are done, erase the candle from the screen in your mind. Wipe it away until the screen is blank. Now count up from one to thirteen without visualizing the numbers. Then count up from one to twelve. You are now back to a state of normal waking consciousness. Ground.
Visualization is an important part of meditation. The longer you practice meditation and the better you get at visualization, the more detailed your meditations will be.
You don’t need much for meditation. All you need is a comfortable chair or mat to sit on, and a place and time where you won’t be disturbed. Some people like to have a candle or two and some incense. However, if you pick incense, make sure the incense isn't so heavy that it makes breathing difficult.
When you sit down for meditation, first relax your muscles and get centered. Then visualize a brilliant white light around yourself. Next, see a deep well in front of you. Drop all negativity in your life into the well and walk away, and then carry on with your meditation.
There are several reasons to learn to meditate:
1) It’s relaxing and calming
2) You’ll strengthen your ability to visualize and your contact with spirit guides
3) Deep meditation aids in astral travel
4) It can create and/or strengthen psychic abilities
5) It can sharpen and focus your awareness
6) It allows you to “set” dreams.
One thing to remember is to not meditate more than three times a week. Some people can lose themselves in too much meditation and become somewhat detached from reality.
You’ll go through specific emotional stages while meditating. When first starting out, you’ll experience relaxation and pleasure. This will continue for some time. However, a not very pleasant period will come. It won’t be the fault of the meditation, but is actually the fault of a conflict between your conscious and subconscious minds. Some symptoms are dissatisfaction, poor connections with the astral, skepticism about what you see in a meditation, or a general lassitude of spirit, almost a depression. Don’t give up at this point. This stage will pass shortly. After it, you’ll find that your meditations take on new meaning and depth. Everything in the universe runs in cycles, and meditation is no exception.
A popular, and rather easy, form of meditation is guided meditation, also called pathworking. Basically, it’s a flexible story that you can record and play while you’re meditating. You visualize everything the recording is saying. When recording, say everything in a slow, even voice, leaving blank spaces at the appropriate spots so you can have time to explore and experience things. When you meditate using a tape, don’t try to think about what comes next. Just relax and follow along. If a meditation starts to take you some place other than what the recording is saying, just flow with it.
To write your own pathworking, follow this framework:
1) The entrance. It can be a door, an archway, the head of a path, etc. I like to use a huge tree at the head of a path.
2) The path. What you’ll encounter, what you’ll feel, etc.
3) The destination. What you find, who you meet, what you discover/use/etc.
4) The journey back. Return the way you came.
I provide here a basic meditation technique that you could either record and play, or memorize. This will help you to get used to shifting into another consciousness. After this, every so often I will post a new guided meditation that you can try.
Basic Meditation Technique
Make sure your environment is conducive to meditation. Turn off and block out all distractions, such as the ringer on the phone. Dim the lights, or turn off all the light and light a few candles. Incense may help. Turn on relaxed, ambient music.
Sit in a physically comfortable position. Relax your body, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Go through each section of your body and mentally give yourself permission to relax. Feel waves of relaxation moving through your muscles, as you become more and more relaxed.
Imagine a screen in your mind’s eye. This is your window to the psychic world. You control everything on it. Draw or visualize the number twelve on the screen. Hold it for a moment, and then let it fade or erase it like a blackboard. Then draw and visualize the number eleven. Continue this pattern until you reach one.
Release the screen of your mind, and silently count from thirteen to one in a slow, even pace, as you slide into a deeper meditative state.
You are now at alpha level. Sit for a moment, feeling the difference between this trance state and your normal waking state. At this point you would continue on to any meditative workings to expand your awareness. For now, continue on to learn how to develop better skills of focus and concentration. When you are ready, call for the screen of your mind again and visualize a candle burning before you. Take notice of the candle. What color is it? What shape? How brightly does the flame burn? Can you feel the heat it gives off? Notice all the details of the candle. Focus all of your attention on it.
When you are done, erase the candle from the screen in your mind. Wipe it away until the screen is blank. Now count up from one to thirteen without visualizing the numbers. Then count up from one to twelve. You are now back to a state of normal waking consciousness. Ground.
The previous image is not owned by me.