Sunday, December 27, 2009

Long Time, No Post

Hey everybody. I know it's been super long since I posted, so I suppose I have a lot of updating to do.
For one, I am now in Junior year of high school, I am still working at the Day Care, my witchy friend Lelouch is down in Idaho now, and I've been busy busy busy with school and personal projects. For instance, I finally finished my snazzy big Book of Shadows! It took me friggin' forever to finish, too. (with no insult to the goddess Frigg, who has had her reputation pretty blackened by twisted myths and the popular insult "friggin"...we believers love you, Frigg!) You can check out my big BoS on my new youtube, MsDreamingDragonflies
Secondly, I no longer consider myself a Wiccan, or even with Wicca-flavoured beliefs. After a lot of research and interviewing, I have concluded that you cannot be Wiccan unless you have been initiated into a Gardnerian/British Traditional coven. (this, of course, does not render others paths invalid. All spiritual paths are valid. This fact only states that many are putting a false name on their path.) And so I now consider myself an Eclectic Neo-Pagan Witch.
Thirdly, unfortunately, I am no longer with my boyfriend Zack (I don't know if I've mentioned him before...). The boy turned out to be a jerk and dumped me a couple months ago for a middle schooler. But oh well. There are better guys out there. I can think of one right now....;)

Now that I have all that aside, I'll get to the good part. Since I haven't been posting much lately, but don't know what to post anyone since I'm not exactly the greatest blogger compared to a lot of other people...I've decided to make this less of a diary-like blog and more of a teaching/opinion blog. Every Monday I'll post a teaching or a recipe or a spell or an exercise or a meditation, etc, etc. Every Friday I'll post an opinion/rant. So I hope you guys will have a fun time reading my blog, if anyone takes the time to read this thing anyway, haha.

ALSO! I highly recommend, starting January 1st, you read my friend Brittany's 365 Recipe Blog on! Her goal, inspired by the movie Julie & Julia, is to blog every recipe she does for the next year, finishing 1 cookbook each month. Her goal for now is 200 recipes, but she will probably exceed that! So I highly recommend you visit her blog, once she starts posting. She thinks no one will be looking at the site, so I'm encouraging people =) She also has a spot on there for other people to post their recipes. Sooooo....her site is

I hope you all had fantastic holidays, and I wish you all a great week!

Brightest Blessings,

Your Alaskan Witchy Celeste

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