Monday, February 15, 2010

The Four Beauties

Something I came up with last year during meditation.

The Four Beauties.

Beauty has no love to give. Beauty if nameless, label-less, thoughtless. It is beyond the scope of thought. It is Sacred. Beauty is silent, love is loud. Try to put them together, and you have a cacophony of nonsense.

1) Death is the true Beauty. Death has no feeling, no thought, no nothing. The approach to Death is so, so, painful, but the act of actually dying is utterly painless; a benediction; a Beauty.

2) You are stirred in the black abyss of Beauty, until you are Chosen again, in which you are born. Creation is the second Beauty.

3) Children are simple and pure, and so they are happy. Childish bliss is the third Beauty, as is curiosity.

4) Chaos is good, is pure. Chaos is the natural state of the universe. Chaos is the fourth Beauty.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Creation Story

So, just for fun, I decided to write my own creation story by melding two different ones together and adding some stuff in. I think I did a pretty good job. :3

Billions of years ago, there was only a deep ocean of empty infinity, a void that was no place. On the curved mirror of this abyss, Spirit fell in love with itself and sought to be One with itself. And so it drew in upon itself and, in a mighty burst of joyful vibration, the Universe and Our Lord and Lady exploded into being. This is known today as the Big Bang, when the Universe started as the size of a walnut and exploded in silent song. Even now the laughing vibration of it reverberates in all things.
The Lord and Lady, beautiful aspects of the Universe, danced together in this new realm. Their feet beat out the rhythm of all creation, giving birth to every pattern of energy, every spiraling galaxy, as sparks of light flew from their extended fingertips. Their ecstasy, Their love, burst forth in a single song of all that is, was, and ever shall be, and with that song came motion.
Together they formed one life-sustaining planet in each galaxy. In each they began to create the beings that may live there. On our own planet, Earth, they designed the animals, the nature, the seasons. They weaved a complex Plan to which all things flowed and lived. They laid upon the earth a Sacred Geometry which held the instructions for this Plan throughout the earth’s life.
And this Plan moved toward the Ultimate Complexity, the Ultimate Creatrix that lies above All. And in each Age, the Lord and Lady joyfully created more and more complex beings. All that went against the Plan were reformed into new beings. They gave all these beings the Divine gift of free will, just as they have. They gave them the power to create or break down as they saw fit. But when a being began to inhibit the Plan, the Divine’s hand would mold them into something new, for nothing can be completely destroyed, only changed. Today, we call this evolution. It serves the purpose of the Plan, of the tendency towards complexity.
But over time the Lord and Lady found that They were beginning to be affected by the cycles of Their creations as well. They died and were reborn many times each turn of the wheels, just as their beings did. And as Their beings became more complex and intelligent, the Lord and Lady found that Their own spirits became divided into the aspects Their beings created and gave names to. For in giving their beings free will, They gave them dominion over Spirit. And so They became the Lord and Lady of a Thousand Names and Faces.
The Lord and Lady, the Goddess and God, forever watch over their beings and the Universe they inhabit, turning and creating the Wheel, part of it and yet in complete control. Blessed Be.

The previous image is not owned by me.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Okay, first things first. My Imbolc was aaaaaaaaah~mazing, absolutely invigorating and completely fun. The day was gorgeous, although some believe that good weather on Imbolc means bad weather for Spring. But we'll just have to wait and see, nyah?

Okay, now back to the topic of my post.


Last night I caved and went to see it with my buddy Lucas. (half-buddy...half-kinda-sorta-crush? Idk. He really likes me. And I kinda like him. But whatever.) Anyway, back on topic. I went and saw it last night.
Now, for those of you who don't now, Avatar is about a planet called Pandora that is much like our own, but the air isn't breathable for humans. So, a bunch of us humans go there to get this amazingly valuable...rock. Now, here's the thing. There is an indigenous race of people there called the NA'vi. They worship the nature around them and know that everything is intricately intwined. The whole planet, every piece of nature, is connected and alive, with more "synapses" than the human brain. And the NA'vi know how to access this power. They worship it. They worship life. Now, they live on a huge, huge, huge tree. Bigger than five thousand skyscrapers put together. They call it the Hometree. And, well, their Hometree is set on top of the biggest deposit of said-valuable rock on the planet. And these nasty humans want it now. So they bring in a bunch of troops. One of these men is a man named Jake Sulley, who has lost the use of his legs. They put him in a coffin-like contraption and link his mind and body to an avatar that looks like one of the NA'vi, and send him out with others. He gets seperated from the others, due to his stupidity, if that's what you'd like to call it. He encounters the NA'vi, and claim him as their own because they get a sign from Eywa (that's what they call the spirit of the planet; in essence, their Goddess). The humans come in and begin destroying everything, even their Hometree, just to get to this rock. But Jake Sulley, in his NA'vi body, convinces The People (that's what they call themselves) to stand up and fight.
Now, doesn't this sound remarkably familiar?
It sure does to me. This sort of thing has happened throughout the human history, especially in the last 2000 years. And that's the message of the movie: that if we keep doing what we're doing, destroying our Mother for profit, that we will wipe ourselves out. But if we people overcome the greed and selfishness that is so inherent in our species, we can stand up and defend our planet. We can save our planet. We just need to try.
During this movie, I was in awe, and in tears. At the end of the movie, I couldn't stop shaking. It was a very intense movie, not just because of the amazing graphics, but because of the relate-ability.
I have a feeling that because of this movie, people are going to be even more determined in their efforts to save this planet. And I am glad of it.
Light a candle and send energy towards those fighting for the Mother. And then get up, and go save the planet as well.
That's what I'm going to be doing.

Blessed Be.