Monday, August 3, 2009

Lughnassadh Fun~

My Lughnassadh was totally~ fun =) in the morning I did my usual devotions, and then I went over to my buddy Lelouch's house to celebrate. We did nature walks, went to the Farmer's Market, visited the local metaphysical store...we also went to the animal shelter and I found the best cat! Haha she had SUCH personality! She glared at me every time I looked in to her cage XD she gave me the funniest looks, and I wanted so much to take her home with me. But unfortunatly, I couldn't =( I already have two cats, and my parents would totally kill me if I brought another one home.
But anyway~ I got a couple great new things for my altar, including a new smoky quartz (single terminated), a little statue thing with a faery sleeping on a leaf, and some selenite crystals to hang in my room. The selenite will protect my room from negative energy and electromagnetic rays :3
Later on, Lelouch and I did a ritual on the beach, and then afterwards ate cookies and watched The Sky Crawlers =) It was a great Lughnassadh. And with the Full Moon following on its heels this Wednesday (pus the actual astrological date of Lugnassadh, which is August 7), it's certainly a magickal week.
Bright Blessings~!
(me showing my stuff off haha)

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