Here for you I've got some fun information on faeries that I've collected and put together. A lot of this information has come from various websites, as well as Brian Froud's Faeries' Oracle, and a book on faeries that I found at the library. I wish I could provide links and such, but I've since forgotten them, having written all this down in my BoS a while back without citing my sources.
Hardly anyone sees faeries full face and in bright light. Most people see them slightly out of straight-on vision, in the peripherals. When you look straight at them, they vanish. They say that this is because if you look at a faerie straight in the eye, you gain control over them.
What they look like
Small ones—usually little balls of light or shadow flitting around the room. Are more likely to interact with you. Also the ones who hide things.
Human-size ones—aren’t particularly interested in us when they appear. Interact in personal levels, in Underworld journeys and in dreams/messages.
Larger ones—range from 2-to-3 feet tall “gnome” size, to people who look just like us, or even larger.
Human size and larger—usually wear somber colors
Gnome size—usually wearing red or green
Larger size ones—appear for about 1/10 the duration of smaller ones, usually striding quickly
People most often hear and feel faeries and not see them.
Faerie likes:
-tidiness, order, and cleanliness, especially in the kitchen
-bread and cake—set bits out in the evening
-something that clearly invites them
-milk or water set out in the evening
-glittery and shiny things
-light, happy music, even singing in the shower
-low lighting (they are seen at dusk and dawn; light a small candle to guide them to your home)
-cream, cheese, butter
-milk, honey, and saffron mixed together
Faerie dislikes:
-iron, especially scissors, pins, knives, or anything made of iron set out in plain view
-clutter, disorder, stacks of things that haven’t been sorted, etc.
-bells, since they are their own bells, so they don’t need any more noise.
-water, sometimes
-looking them in the eye
Types of faerie forms:
-Vast majority appear as blurry spheres of light
-Faerie windows or portals are brilliant openings that appear on walls and vanish quickly
-most frequently seen forms are translucent, full-size figures, the size of humans or slightly larger.
-Some are the size of little people, maybe three feet tall
-Some range from sparkly lights to large shadows
What to look for:
Examine negative space, which is the area around positive space, or objects. People also see auras this way. Examine the space around trees, building, rocks, or even blades of grass. Your thinking will change slightly as you perceive more life. With practice, the world will seem a little more brilliant and interesting. It should become your normal way of looking. This also helps you to see the faerie world as well.
Communicating with Faerie
First of all, Faeries aren’t all light and fluffy. They can be chaotic, mean, mischievous, or downright nasty if they feel like it.
You might find that certain gems or stones seem to attract faerie energy more than others. This may differ based on your own interaction with the stone.
Certain scents and flowers also seem to attract faeries, but this can be based on which faeries are near you. Violet, thyme, lemongrass and ylang-ylang are traditionally strong faerie scents.
You can often know when faeries are around, because they tend to like to tug on your hair or you might all of a sudden feel very giddy and happy. They also tend to like taking your things or moving stuff around. Other signs of faeries around: an unexplained loss of time, a sudden unexplained trembling or whispering of leaves, a whirlwind or dust devil, the bending of grass blades with no perceptible cause, sudden explained chills or goose bumps when alone in nature, the feeling of an insect walking through your hair when there isn’t one, and extreme silliness and times of uncontrollable laughter.
Faerie offering ritual:
Go to one of the faerie’s favorite haunts, such as a ring, a hill, and the bottom of a garden or another place where you intuitively feel faeries, and find a flat surface on which to place your offering. Your gift could consist of, for example, a bowl of milk and a piece of cake or bread.
Consecrate the offering with these words:
“I offer this drink and this bread to Oonagh, the
Queen of Elphame, and to Finvarra, the King of
Faerie, royal rulers of the Daoine Sidhe (pronounced “theena shee”)
My name is ____________. As a Witch I seek to make contact
with your tribe and to learn the secrets of Faerie.”
With your wand, trace a star over the offering and say:
“Blessed Be those who live in the Hollow Hills.
Blessed Be the Faerie race within the Earth.
May the Faerie Blessing be upon me.”
Leave the offerings and walk away without looking back. You can return to the site the next day and if any or all of the offering is gone, you will know that it is okay for you to communicate and work with the faeries. If the offering is still there, take it away (and throw it away) and try again another time with a fresh gift.
Faerie Cakes Recipe:
Ingredients: 2 cups flour, 2 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt, ¾ cup butter, 1 ½ cup white sugar, 3 eggs, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1 1/3 cup milk
Grease muffin tin with a bit of butter. Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Cream together the butter and sugar, then add the eggs and vanilla. Beat until light and fluffy. Add a few spoonfuls of dry ingredients and then add some milk to the creamed mixture. Keep alternating ingredients until well mixed. Fill the muffin cups ¾ full. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 to 25 minutes. Let cool before frosting with your favorite frosting.
Getting close to faeries:
If we wish harmony between the worlds, it is important to meet faerie on its own terms and avoid projecting our own ideas and false beliefs on to it. Many things about faerie society are different from ours. Culture and manners differ. The things that are important and are considered to be common courtesy by humans and faeries are similar in some ways but vary widely in others. If we want a friendly response, we need to learn some things about faeries and what is important to them, just as we would of the inhabitants of a foreign human country we are visiting. I’m going to give you some suggestions to becoming personal friends with the faeries.
Faeries like to talk, so they like people who can be quiet and listen when that is appropriate. They speak in subtle voices, in hidden ways. If we aren’t good at listening—and listening with more than just our ears—we won’t be able to hear them. We need to listen with our hearts as well, and open ourselves t the subtle senses of emotion and empathy. They like us to be open enough so we can see or sense what is really there, more than just the obvious world of the physical eyes.
They like to play jokes, so we need a good sense of humor—good enough to laugh even when the joke is on us, as it frequently will be. If we can laugh at ourselves when we are laughed at by the faeries, the experience becomes a delightful one for all of us. Laughter creates a loving energy bond between those who laugh together, and it lightens our hearts.
And one more thing: wherever you are, the faeries are there too—or can be in the blink of an eye.
Singing with the faeries:
Faeries love to sing. They consider singing one of the great arts, an alchemy of the spirit. They have their own ideas about what constitutes song, and the one thing you can say for certain is that faerie songs are always individual and original. Faeries don’t use what they call “canned music”—radios, tapes, CDs, any type of recording. These bring “foreign” energy in to the song and try to force the faeries to sing in a preprogrammed way rather than spontaneously and appropriately to the moment. The right song raises our energy, makes us feel lighter and brighter. It also balances and raises the energy of the place in which we are singing. And it brings us more in harmony with both the place and the time—the significant, powerful moment of Now.
You can begin by just focusing on your breath—breathing in, breathing out. Open your mouth and let the outgoing breath make a sound, any sound the breath likes to make at the time. You will sometimes find that this sound changes from moment to moment. Just allow it to do so. With each breath, let the sound move and change as it wants to. Don’t try to control or anticipate the sound—just let it happen.
When you first start to practice this, it may sound pretty weird, possibly even silly. That’s all right, just let it. Remember to let your heart be light and playful. If you feel like giggling, do. Giggles are the grace notes of faerie music. This fear of looking foolish to ourselves is one of the greatest obstacles to opening communication with the faeries for most of us. Another major obstacle is the fear of looking silly to other. That’s why you are doing this by yourself. The greatest obstacle of all is believing you won’t be able to do it and not trying.
After you have let the sounds just create themselves for a while, you will find that they begin to do interesting things. They may develop a beat or a melody. At first, beat and melody may be similar to music you are used to. However, the more you leave it free and the more you sing, the more unusual the song is likely to become. I’d suggest you don’t try to do anything with this except to enjoy it. Faerie songs balance and encourage joyful growth in the faeries themselves, the environment, and us. The more we do of this, the better we will feel.
Another thing that faeries like is to dance, and they like people who dance with them. This doesn’t mean that we have to be great dancers. We can dance with the faeries in a wheelchair, even if we are able to do no more than nod our heads—in fact, even if we can do no more than beat our hearts. They are interested in and involved with the spirit, the energy of what we do, not primarily with the physical body. If we can dance with them with our energy, in our hearts, they’ll be delighted. There is an important point here: they ask only what we can give, but they do ask that much—given wholeheartedly. As in singing with the faeries, there are certain things that are better not to do. There are not very many of these things, and by now you may have discovered that singing is more fun without them. So is dancing. We don’t do prepared or practiced dance steps, and we dance without other humans, especially at first, because whether we are pleased by our dancing or embarrassed by it, thinking about it is a terrible distraction from the real dance. Likewise, we don’t use ready-made music. We follow our intuitive knowing and inner rhythm. We let our breath, bones, and muscles guide us. Our hearts can sense the dance even when our minds don’t know it. This kind of dancing comes straight from the creative heart of being. It does not have formal steps—it moves us like a small child dances. In fact, any two-year-old can and probably does do it. It is an out-flowing in motion of the energy of life. Flowers do it and so do trees—very slowly. Generally, we do it best if we start very slowly too.
Start with your breath, just your natural breath, nothing special or forced. Feel it move in your body, feel it move in the chest, and feel the more subtle movement deep in your abdomen. This is part of the energy dance of your body. While standing quietly, focus on being aware of your breath until you can feel how it alone moves your enter body, right down to your toes. Then let the body begin to move itself in response to the breath. Breath is sacred; it transcends and permeates all of the worlds. Just rest in to your body, your breath, your heartbeat, and your feelings. Let yourself BE the movement. This takes practice and practice takes patience—patience with ourselves. We can begin with just a gentle rocking or swaying; we might even start just with breathing. Try this: Let yourself focus on the movement of your pelvis, the sacral center, as you just breathe without other intentional movement, and allow movement to begin from there. You’ll find that your body wants to rock or sway gently. Just let it. See if you can keep your awareness in the center of your pelvis without caring too much about what the rest of your body is doing. Just let the pelvis do what it wants, however much or however little that is, and let the rest of the body follow it. Some people may find it easier to start from the heart than from the pelvis. If so, do. But you will also need to learn to dance from the sacral center, in the center of the pelvis, because this is our connection with magick and power, while the heart is our connection with love and joy. In time, you will get good enough at it to dance wholly from both centers, equally and simultaneously. A helpful thing to remember is that, if we are losing our balance and stumbling or falling, we are not fully tuned in to faerie dancing. Let go more of the conscious control—thinking, planning, and anticipating. Slow down. Dancing with the faeries is a kind of freedom from the mind and a renewal of the spirit. We feel better at the end of it. We do not have strained muscles or bruises, either of the body or of the spirit.
Faerie greeting:
Hallae hessen, hallae fodobrae, hallae enkamenkam!
(Hello yesterday, hello tomorrow, hello forever on!)
Calling to the Flower Faeries
Hallae, anhilna fey elhen!
Ta min mina fey elhen
Yen lanas
Shay en lume en hanahten!
(Hello, beautiful faerie friend!
To my flower faerie friend
I extend
Joy and light and gladness!)
Creating a Thoughtform Faerie
A thoughtform faerie is just that: a faerie, a real being, made entirely from the power of your thoughts.
First, decide what task your thoughtform faerie will have. The task should affect how it looks (i. e. fierce and animal-like for guarding, or filmy and winged for aiding in astral projection). Keep in mind the three-fold law when deciding.
Method #1:
Stand facing your altar, holding your hands in front of you, palms facing each other. This is where your thoughtform faerie will gather and grow. Start vigorously rubbing your palms together, feeling the heat and energy made by friction, and know that just as you created that heat, you can create life.
Now move your hands apart a few inches and focus on feeling the chakras in your palms being expanded. Sense a growing mass of energy forming between them. With your mind, create an even greater energy field growing, spinning, and enlarging between your palms until you are forced to move them apart a few more inches.
Keep up this visualization until your hands feel pushed approximately two feet apart. This should take about 20 minutes. Now, see the energy forming a shape which will become the physical body of your faerie. Make its appearance just as clear as you can.
Method #2:
Again, rub your hands vigorously before you start, drawing confidence from the heat your produce. Now hold them a few inches from your chosen chakra. Feel the energy which is creating your faerie coming from this chakra. See the energy massing in front of you, allow it to expand, and eventually take form. As the energy grows, move your hands apart accordingly. Again, this should take about 20 minutes. When the energy mass is about two feet in diameter, give it its appearance.
When you are done with method one or two, send the faerie one more blast of energy, and visualize the faerie going about its task. Picture exactly how it looks while doing so and how others will react to it, even though they may be unaware that it’s there. The more clearly this picture is formed in your mind, the more effectively the faerie will work.
Method #3:
This takes longer but it’s good for those who have trouble raising personal energy.
If you have a favorite meditation technique, use it. Play light instrumental “New Age” music, light candles and incense, to help induce a meditative state. Avoid lying down, as you may fall asleep. Instead sit in a half or full lotus, or in a chair with your back straight. A guided meditation or pathworking works wonderfully.
Be prepared to have to refuel the being for 15 minutes a day for the next few days after creating by feeding it life-giving energy. After that you can limit your feedings to once every 2 weeks, and then once every month. Left unfed, they have a very limited life span. Try recharging them every new or full moon.
Grounding the energy:
When you’re finished with your thoughtform faerie, you must dismantle it and ground the energies that brought the being to life. Call the faerie to you in a meditative state or to the same chakra point you used to create it. Thank the being for its service and tell it you are grounding its energy, returning to Mother Earth’s womb, and that anything not grounded will be relegated to Faerieland. Hold up your palms in the same way you did to create the faerie and reverse the visualization process. After that, press your palms to the earth, feeling any leftover energy draining from you safely and harmlessly in to the earth.
Definitions of Faerie Magick:
Faerie Magick: Magick specifically connected to the Faerie Realm, whether through invoking the Faeries, working in a Wild Place, or working with energy that feels specifically connected to the realm of Faerie.
Faerie Fire: A green light or energy that glows but does not burn, often seen in enchanted places at night during summer. When raising energy, focus on Faerie Fire and you will find the energy tingles and crackles more than usual.
Mists and Shadows: The veiled space between the physical realm and the world of Faerie. It's possible to enter this realm in a physical state, and often you will 'lose time' in this space. Shape-shifting is easier here, and when we subconsciously slide into this realm we often catch glimpses of the Faerie Folk.
Green Man: The masculine aspect of the Forest, often seen in entwined ivy, the bark on trees, or in the twisted limbs of a bush.
Crystal Grove: This is what I call the magickal space of the Faerie. I visualize this space as a grotto with lush vegetation, sparkling lights from the phosphorescence that floats in on the tides, huge dark trees with moss hanging down and over-looking it all, a Full Moon. The energy of this space can be re-created through the use of candles, crystals, finding a lovely spot in the woods or by a stream.
Wild Place: A spot in nature that has wild, untamed energies. Unkempt lots where the brambles and briars have overtaken the land tend to be where Faeries congregate.
Deva: A plant, land, or faerie "over soul" who has more knowledge and insight than the others---kind of like an elder. One who has guardianship over a territory or group of plants or faeries.
The previous image is not owned by me.
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