Sunday, January 31, 2010

Solitary Imbolc Ritual

I don't know about all of you, but I am way excited for Imbolc! Last night's Full Moon was amazing, and chugging along behind that power is the promise of spring. Already here in Alaska we're feeling the sun's warmth, even if it's interrupted with icy wind.
This is a solitary ritual I did last year as part of my Imbolc celebration. Enjoy~

Needed: white candle (inside cauldron), green candle (beside cauldron), tarot cards, an earthy-smelling incense, chalice of juice, cauldron, bell

Cast circle.
Raise arms to altar. Say:

“The earth is filled with the first stirrings of renewed energy and life. Awaken, oh fair Maiden! Hear the voice of the Son; He is calling to you to join him in the spiral dance of life. It is time for You to prepare the earth and all creatures for the coming of spring!”

Ring bell three times. Say:

“The sunlight is growing at this time. It is calling to all followers of the Goddess and God to purify our minds and spirits for new cycles of life. Here and now, I ask the Lord and Lady to give me guidance and a glimpse of the future.”

Shuffle cards and do a three card reading. Note cards pulled.
Ring bell three times. Say:

“Goddess and God, I place my dreams and goals for the future in Your open hands. If You foresee a different future for me, tell me clearly. Thank you.”

Light the white candle in the cauldron and say:

“I praise the Goddess as the sacred Maiden, who now returns from Her rest in the creative abyss of the Crone’s cauldron. Her joyful dance releases a renewal cycle into this world. As She spreads Her blessings upon all lands and all creatures, I, too, am touched by Her gentle hand.”

Light the green candle beside the cauldron and say:

“I praise the God as the young Son, the Sun King, who calls to the Maiden and awakens Her from Her slumber. When they combine Their powers, They pour a stream of energy into this world, energy that permeates everything. Regeneration is here, and everything is blessed.”

Perform any other magickal workings at this time.
Perform Great Rite.
Open the circle.
Pour the juice in the forest.

The previous image is not owned by me.

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