Monday, January 18, 2010

Morning Devotions

These are the devotions I do every morning right after I get up. They leave me feeling refreshed and full of positive energy that lasts the whole day.
In concerns with the Ultimate Creatrix thing, one of these days I'll have to make a post explaining my beliefs regarding deity=)

Light the Goddess, God, and Ultimate Creatrix candles, and the incense.
Ground and take a few deep, slow breaths.
Touch your feet and say: “Blessed Be my feet, that walk the divine path.”
Touch your knees and say: “Blessed Be my knees, that kneel at the divine altar.”
Touch your womb and say: “Blessed Be my womb, that bears the fruit of the divine.”
Touch your heart and say: “Blessed Be my heart, that beats the drum of the divine earth.”
Touch your lips and say: “Blessed Be my lips, that speak the words of the divine.”
Touch your eyes and say: “Blessed Be my eyes, that see the divine everywhere.”
Take a few more deep breaths, and then go on to give thanks for everything in your life, good and bad. Get real specific for the things you’re thankful for. And be sure that your gratitude is sincere, not forced.
Then, if you have anything to ask, then ask it.
Snuff the candles and the incense.

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