Cast the circle and call the quarters, and call the God.
Light the Black Crone candle: "Oh Dark Mother hear my call. Hecate, Goddess of the Moon, your daughter (son) is in need your wisdom and strength on this night. Your child walks with shadows when they wish to walk with the light. Fears and negativity haunt me, sapping me of my energy and my strength. I call upon you this night of the dark moon to aid in the banishment of these shadows."
Pour some wine into the libation dish and say, "To the Lord and Lady!"
Fill the altar goblet with wine. Hold up the altar goblet and say, "I drink to the God and Goddess."
Take a sip from the goblet, and say, "Blessed Be."
Write down on a piece of paper those negative traits or problems you wish to be rid of.
Then as you burn your paper concentrate on the things to be banished from your life. Feel the fear or negativity and then let it go as you cast it into the fire reciting: "Hecate, Honored Crone of Night, I call upon you to put things right. Transform these negative thoughts and pain and help my life be whole again."
Since you have created a void by banishing the negativity in your lives, you will need to fill that void. Close your eyes and visualize a blue light washing over you, filling you. You will now need to evoke laughter because that is the strongest banishment of all and the best protection.
As you circle Deosil, visualize the happiest moments in your life. Let the uninhibited child in you come out to play. Laugh. Even if it is forced in the beginning, it will come if you open the door. Let the laughter fill you.
Take up the plate with the cakes and say "May I never hunger." Take a bite, and then say, "Blessed Be."
Take up the wine and say "May I never thirst." Take a sip of the wine and then say, "Blessed Be."
Give thanks for one thing that you are thankful for, and request assistance for one thing that you are in need of.
Thank the Goddess and God, and the Quarters.
Open the circle.
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