Picture courtesy of DollyandtheBlackDog, youtube.com
Fluffy Bunnies.
First of all, for those of you who don't know what a fluffy bunny is, one definition is someone who is new to the Craft and follows it...well, all wrong. They have also been called Insta-witches, McWiccans, One-Book Witches, Wicclets, and Whitelighters. More information on what a fluffy bunny is can be found on this page: http://wicca.timerift.net/fluffy.shtml
Okay, so yeah, fluffy bunnies are totally annoying. I should know, I used to be one. And I know several people who were--or are--ones. And it's really hard to keep yourself from yelling at them, sending them nasy emails telling them off, talking shit about them...etcetera. In fact, I'm sure many have succumb to the temptation. Many, in fact, embrace it and go around the internet spouting people's crap right back in their faces. A lot of people try to make these fluffy bunnies see the light.
So, I'll make my opinion short on this...or at least as short as I can.
First of all, by proselytizing to these people---yes, proselytizing---and shoving your beliefs down their throats, you are just as bad as the fluffy bunnies.
Second of all, we were all fluffy bunnies once, or will be sometime or another. These people are beginners, and you can't expect a beginner to know everything about everything right from the get-go. Everyone grows, everyone learns. For some people it takes longer, and for others it takes a shorter amount of time. It took me about a year and half, maybe even two years, to grow out of my fluffy-bunny phase. So when you meet a fluffy bunny, don't shoot them down and pretend that you're oh-so-much-better-than-them. Get off your high horse and just kindly suggest a good book. Don't say that they're wrong, don't try to get them to change their ways, because that's just going to encourage them to keep being fluffy. Just offhandly suggest to them different reliable books that you've read, and let them learn on their own.
I don't like them any more than you do. Heck, my ex is convinced that he's an all-powerful vampire/witch, and he "created" his own Craft tradition that he named after himself. Fluffy bunnies drive me crazy. I just want to bonk them upside the head and scream at them. But I don't, because that doesn't get anyone anywhere. You just have to let them grow out of their phase on their own. Life is all about learning lessons. You can tell people the so-called "right" way to practice the Craft or Wicca, but knowing isn't the same as understanding. Just give kind suggestions and know that they will find their way, on their own.
And besides...their path is just as valid as anyone elses. Sure, they're annoying as heck, and they may be giving a bad name to the religion they claim their part of but really aren't, but if their path makes them happy and makes them feel fulfilled...then so be it. When their path no longer fulfills them, they will grow out of their phase.
Thanks for reading my opinion =)
Your Alaskan Witchy,
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