Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I know, I know...

...I'm absolutely terrible at this blogging thing. I admit it. And when you attach it to something like, say, a 365 project or a 1001 project, or basically anything with "project" on the end of it---I suck even worse. At the beginning of the project I've got my camera in one hand, a notebook in the other, screaming (internally, of course) "HECKYES!!! LET'S DO THIS! WOOOOOO!" And then, after a week--or two, if I'm really determined--I start missing days, thinking, "ahhhh, it's okay, I'll just put up two tomorrow." And then eventually I don't post at all. I don't know, maybe I have commitment issues. Or maybe I could blame it on the fact that I'm a Gemini, so I'm naturally ADD while not actually being ADD, so I get bored with stuff fairly fast...which doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing.

But moving along, I think I'm just going to quit doing this whole "project" thing. I think, by attaching the word "project" to it, it reminds me of schoolwork, which automatically turns me completely off. I mean, it's the summer people. Who wants to be reminded of school?

So, basically, what I'm going to do from now on, is just blog when I feel like it. No commitment. No projects.

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